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Aug 18, 2015 SPEED Provided Quality Simultaneous Interpretation Service to New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

Expo 2010 Shanghai China drew great attention from the world and presented numerous business opportunities. Financial institutions, Shanghai-based consulates and foreign-funded enterprises launched large-scale conferences and events such as product promotion, press release, economic exchange, tourism promotion, etc. During this period, we undertook over 40 simultaneous interpretation projects each month, which was widely acclaimed by our clients. One good example is the quality simultaneous interpretation (SI) service provided to New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE).

NZTE is one of our long-term customers and has been satisfied with our service of translation and consecutive interpretation provided before. During Expo 2010, NZTE organized a trade conference, but notified us only one week before the event for SI service. We understand that a perfect SI service required a lot of preparations including excellent speech translation, on-site inspection, equipment installation, and interpreter selection, etc. When we submitted to NZTE our list of preparations to be finished before the event, both parties felt the sense of urgency. As we knew that we only had 1 week or 5 working days left, instead of 3 weeks which is normally needed for preparations.

Upon receiving the SI order, we immediately organized a project meeting to work out detailed service plan for this SI project. On the same day, we contacted our senior interpreters within the shortest time frame, thanks to our long-term and well-maintained relationship with top interpreters in Shanghai. On the following day, our senior sales representative arrived at the conference venue to inspect the site and set up equipment. To our surprise, we found that the conference hall was lack of necessary SI devices, since it was used more frequently for cocktail receptions rather than SI. Consequently, we had to return to the site the next morning. After assembling, debugging and testing, we invited our client to the site who finally confirmed that everything was satisfactory. Meanwhile, our well-prepared and swift speech translation was delivered to the client by email, which brought surprise to our client. And on the day before the conference, our interpreters held a meeting with the conference presenters to ensure smooth cooperation between both sides. The conference ended up with great success which was highly recognized and appreciated by both NZTE and participants, who expressed willingness to have future SI cooperation with us.

We appreciate every SI order from our clients, and we are committed to providing quality interpretation service, because we are SPEED, our brand represents high efficiency and speedy service.

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Address: Shanghai Xuhui District 1065 Zhaojiabang feidiao building room 1409
Zip code: 200030
E-mail: info@speed-asia.com
Tel: 021-5489 6060
Fax: 021-6441 6977
24 hours service hotline: 13003121214
Web site: www.lateit.com